About Me

About Me


My name is Sarah, and after having other careers which I wasn't happy in, I decided to go back to the path I originally wanted to take, and that is to work with animals.

I have always had animals myself, and I am a passionate dog owner. I currently have two dogs and a horse. My two miniature dachshunds are called Rosie and Millie. I rescued them in December 2015 and it is the best decision I have ever made. They are full of love and mischief and make sure my life is never dull! My horse is called Toby, and I have had him for 22 years. Bought from Appleby Horse Fair, he is my gorgeous thoroughbred.

I am a fully qualified dog groomer, with a 'Professional Diploma in Dog Grooming' after carrying out an intensive course at Anrich Vetinary Hospital. This Certificate is recognised and accredited by the Pet Industry Foundation and the British Dog Groomers Association. I also hold an up to date Certificate in Animal First Aid and Healthcare.

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